"They Couldn't Hit an Elephant"

My project for 2009/10 was 15mm American Civil War.

I use
Too Fat Lardies excellent set of rules 'They Couldn't Hit an Elephant' (read a review here) and the superb
Peter Pig
figures which allow a great variety of pose and equipment.

You can view my Union Forces
here, and my Confederates here.

My collection totals just over 1,400 figures.

For scenarios we've using Paul D. Stephenson' s scenario books for 'Guns at Gettysburg' (Partisan Press) to
host some games at Wally HQ.    So far we've played Belmont, Garnett's Farm, Iuka,
Logan's Crossroads,
Peter's Hill, Allen's Farm, Battery Robinet and more with lots more in the offing.

TCHAE Game reports below.

Scroll down for pictures of recent ACW games at Wally HQ.

Logan's Crossroads (Mill Springs)

Oak Grove

Fair Oaks

Hanover Court House

Gaines's Mill